This Month In Migraine News: Religion, ICHD-III & $1 Billion In Brain Scans


From the Norwegian Nord-Trøndelag Health Survey (HUNT) study making connections between religion and migraines to the $1 billion dollar report on braind scans, March was an eventful time for the migraine and headache community. 

Want to catch up on the latest and greatest stories? Take a look at our top five picks from March and catch up on what you missed. Join in on the conversation by sharing your thoughts and perspective in the comment section below.

Do Migraines Cause Religion?

This is a study on nearly 25,000 Norwegians conducted over 10 years (the Nord-Trøndelag Health Survey (HUNT)). The purpose of HUNT is to track changes in health in the whole population over several decades – and one of the things they measured in the latest survey round (HUNT 3, conducted 2006-2008) was religious attendance. Click here to read more… 

Headache Experts Discuss New Features of ICHD-III 

The beta version of the International Classification of Headache Disorders, Third Edition (ICHD-III beta) is being parsed by headache experts around the world to determine whether any changes are necessary before it is finalized in 2016. Click here to read more…

FDA Approves New Device to Prevent Migraines

The Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday it approved a nerve-stimulating headband as the first medical device to prevent migraine headaches.

Agency officials said the device provides a new option for patients who cannot tolerate migraine medications. Click here to read more…

Too Many Unneeded Brain Scans for Headaches: Study

Too many patients are getting unnecessary brain scans for headaches, and that use is growing, according to a new study.

Since most headaches are benign, guidelines have recommended against routine MRIs or CT scans. Yet doctors frequently order these expensive scans anyway, the researchers say. Click here to read more…

FDA approves Topamax for migraine prevention in adolescents

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Topamax on Friday for the prevention of migraine headaches in adolescents ages 12 to 17, the agency announced. Click here to read more…

Did you read smething migraine or headache related this month that you are dying to share? Send us your articles in the comment section below and we will feature them on Twitter!

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Image Source: NS Newsflash

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