Tips For Beating The Financial Burden of Chronic Migraines

Migraineurs generally require 2.5 times more prescription medications and six times more diagnostic tests and services for medical treatment than that of an average individual. In fact, Migraine patients spend about $145 per month in healthcare services compared to non-migraine individuals who average $89 per month. Continue reading “Tips For Beating The Financial Burden of Chronic Migraines”

Why So Many Chronic Migraine Patients Suffer From Depression


A recent study conducted by the University of Toronto is shedding new light on the prevalence of depression in chronic migraine syndrome patients. According to the research, depression is twice as likely in patients who also experience chronic migraine pain, a relationship that does not exist with other forms of chronic pain. The question everyone is asking is – why migraines? Continue reading “Why So Many Chronic Migraine Patients Suffer From Depression”