It seems like mobile technology today is capable of helping just about anyone with almost anything. Apparently, Migraine health is no exception to the rule! No, your smartphone or tablet can’t cure chronic migraine syndrome but these devices do harbor apps designed to help you better manage migraine episodes and curb symptoms.
7 Tips For Chronic Migraine Sufferers Starting A New Job
A new job is reason to celebrate! But for those suffering from chronic migraine syndrome, the transition from a familiar environment full of people who understand your condition to one full of uncertainty can be daunting. To ensure that you are able to successfully adjust to your new routine, we’ve compiled some tips to help you get settled.
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Three Ways To Connect With Other Migraineurs
Pam started experiencing migraine symptoms a few years ago. While she’s under a doctor’s care, she finds herself stuck in bed several times a month. She has lost track of all the social and family events she’s had to miss. In fact, she recently noticed that several loved ones and friends have stopped making plans with her. She’s beginning to feel isolated, lonely and depressed.
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Supporters Guide To A Migraine-less Valentine’s Day
It was the perfect night. Your Valentine’s date scored reservations at your favorite restaurant, chose a tasteful flower arrangement and even booked a horse-drawn carriage ride to enjoy after the meal. Unfortunately, halfway through dinner, you started to feel sick. Your vision became blurry, stomach churning and you know you need to go home. The signs are here…a migraine is coming.
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5 Things You DON’T Say To A Migraine Sufferer
Liz, a recent college grad who just moved to New York City, loves to spend her weekends exploring the city’s eclectic ethnic restaurants, used bookstores and coffee shops. Liz also suffers from migraines, and, due to severe migraine pain, she has to cancel plans she makes with friends at least twice a month because of her migraines.
“My friends just don’t understand,” says Liz. “They frequently tell me that it ‘can’t be that bad’ and that I just need to ‘get out there and have fun.’ The worst, most hurtful comments are when friends say that it’s ‘all in my head’ and that I ‘don’t even look sick’ despite my ‘migraine symptoms’.”
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4 Fears Behind Migraine Medications
Katie, a 20-year-old college student, has suffered from migraines for several years. While Katie’s doctor recently prescribed her a new medication for migraine relief, Katie is worried about the possible side effects associated with migraine medications, including unknown long-term effects. Katie also worries about how she will afford her new medications.
Are you, like Katie, concerned about the potential for problems following long-term migraine medication usage? If so, you are not alone. One study published in the journal Headache found that two out of three individuals with recurring migraines delayed or avoided taking migraine medications due to concerns about treatment side effects.
3 Relaxation Tools For Migraine Attack Fears
Imagine a mother that is preparing to leave home for a vacation with her family. She and her husband have worked hard all year to pay for a fun trip full of memories for them and their children. Suddenly, she is gripped with anxiety and uncertainty – she fears that a migraine attack is approaching. With her history of debilitating migraine symptoms, she worries that her vacation will be ruined. She panics; and her trepidations force her to consider cancelling the vacation altogether.
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How To Recognize Our Loved Ones Migraine Symptoms
His eyes looked so bloodshot, they appeared to be on fire. It was then I knew he was about to have a severe migraine.
John is a migraine sufferer. He sometimes misses out on time with friends and family because of the debilitating pain. While he recognizes his migraine symptoms once the headache sets in, his attentive loved ones are an important part of getting migraine relief.
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Can A Migraine Diary Save Your Life?
As she feels another attack coming on, Sarah reaches for her migraine diary to record her symptoms. When her doctor suggested she should keep track of her experiences in this little notebook, Sarah wasn’t quite sure it was worth the effort. In fact, she wondered whether or not she would even be able to write down anything when her symptoms were at their peak. Should she even bother?
How To Describe Your Migraine Pain
People who have never experienced a migraine for themselves often have trouble appreciating just how debilitating this condition can be. To help others understand the struggles you face as a migraine sufferer, you need to be able to describe your migraine symptoms and migraine pain in detail. Below is a guide and words bank to help you put your experience into words. Continue reading “How To Describe Your Migraine Pain”