The salacious summer sun has finally arrived and with it, a slew of outdoor activities! But for chronic migraine syndrome sufferers, the climate shift from cold to hot means you need to be extra mindful of episode triggers. Continue reading “Summertime Sadness: Dehydration Is A Migraine Trigger”
Chronic Migraines & The Cefaly Device
It looks like something straight out of a Sci-Fi movie; however, the gadget is anything but a figment of imagination. It’s called the Cefaly device and since the FDA’s approval of its use for migraine treatment, the super sleek tiara-like apparatus has been taking the migraine community by storm. Continue reading “Chronic Migraines & The Cefaly Device”
This Month In Migraine News: Religion, ICHD-III & $1 Billion In Brain Scans
From the Norwegian Nord-Trøndelag Health Survey (HUNT) study making connections between religion and migraines to the $1 billion dollar report on braind scans, March was an eventful time for the migraine and headache community.
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Migraine Treatment: Craniosacral Therapy for Migraines
As the most prevalent neurological disorder in the U.S., migraine episodes currently affect more than 37-million individuals. Of that total, nearly 14-million are the unfortunate sufferers of chronic or daily attacks that can include intense throbbing pain, visual disturbances, nausea and vomiting.
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Migraine Treatment: Prevention Therapy
Migraine treatment was once a primitive practice, largely misunderstood and underestimated. Decades ago, the only medication prescribed for migraine pain was similar to over-the-counter aspirin. By the 1980’s the pharmaceutical industry began to soar and new pain medications were developed to assist the terminally ill during their final days of life.
Migraine Treatment: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Severe migraine episodes are recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the most disabling illnesses, similar to the hindering effects of dementia, quadriplegia and active psychosis. With no known cause, chronic migraine patients often try a number of treatments before finding one or a combination of several that positively influences their migraine pain and frequency.
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Migraine Treatment: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Nearly 10% of school-age children suffer from migraine attacks, often before the age of 12. The impact of these painful episodes can be devastating to adolescent growth and development. Furthermore, physicians and parents are concerned about the long-term effects of starting children on prescription drug regimens so early in life. Treatment decisions can be painstakingly difficult for parents and because migraine attacks have no known cause, there are no treatment guarantees.
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Migraine Treatment: Oxygen Therapy
Chronic migraine syndrome is a conundrum yet to be solved and the uncertainty of its cause means that sufferers are left without a definitive treatment option. Because everyone’s experience is different, treatment often involves a lengthy game of trial and error before discovering a method that works. If medications or injections have failed or you are in search of an alternative form of treatment to compliment your current regimen, consider looking into oxygen therapy, which uses 100% oxygen to alleviate severe migraine symptoms.
Migraine Treatment: Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture Therapy
Popularity is building behind alternative forms of chronic migraine treatment, and for good reason. Many new care options offer reprieve from symptoms without harsh side effects or strict daily regimens.