Being emotionally supportive to a friend or loved one suffering from chronic migraine syndrome can be challenging. You may not fully understand what they are going through and as much as you’d like to – you can’t magically take their pain away. What you can do is ask the right questions to ensure you are being helpful. Continue reading “6 Things You SHOULD Say To A Chronic Migraine Sufferer”
Summertime Sadness: Dehydration Is A Migraine Trigger
The salacious summer sun has finally arrived and with it, a slew of outdoor activities! But for chronic migraine syndrome sufferers, the climate shift from cold to hot means you need to be extra mindful of episode triggers. Continue reading “Summertime Sadness: Dehydration Is A Migraine Trigger”
Is My TMJ Making My Migraine Symptoms Worse?
As a migraine sufferer, have you ever felt frequent pain or aching near your jaw or ear and wondered what it was and whether it related to your recurrent migraine episodes? Do you find it difficult or uncomfortable to chew or do you have trouble opening and closing your mouth sometimes?
Continue reading “Is My TMJ Making My Migraine Symptoms Worse?”
Supporters Guide To A Migraine-less Valentine’s Day
It was the perfect night. Your Valentine’s date scored reservations at your favorite restaurant, chose a tasteful flower arrangement and even booked a horse-drawn carriage ride to enjoy after the meal. Unfortunately, halfway through dinner, you started to feel sick. Your vision became blurry, stomach churning and you know you need to go home. The signs are here…a migraine is coming.
Continue reading “Supporters Guide To A Migraine-less Valentine’s Day”
Oh Christmas tree, Migraine Triggers Do You Bring Me!
The family returns home from picking out the largest, greenest, most perfect tree. The treasured ornaments have been removed from the attic to be lovingly hung. And, miraculously, all the lights work the first time they’re plugged in.
It would be a scene out of a cheesy Christmas movie if not for one thing: that dreaded build of pressure that will culminate in blinding, debilitating pain. The scent of evergreens is one of your migraine triggers.
Continue reading “Oh Christmas tree, Migraine Triggers Do You Bring Me!”
Holiday Stress and Migraine Triggers
The holidays are a special time of year meant for spending time with the ones you love. But plans for fun and merriment can be shattered in an instant by an unexpected migraine. As all migraine sufferers know, these are more than just headaches – they are debilitating episodes of pain that can steal away irreplaceable time with the ones you love. Continue reading “Holiday Stress and Migraine Triggers”
What Is A Cluster Headache?
Cluster headaches are recurrent headaches that take place over a specific period of time. During an episode, a person experiencing a cluster headache may experience one to three of these piercing headaches per day, although it is not unheard of to experience as many as eight of these headaches throughout the day. Continue reading “What Is A Cluster Headache?”
5 Benefits to Using A Migraine Diary
A migraine is a chronic neurological disorder that causes severe pain on one or both sides of the head. It is often accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting. Some people who suffer from migraines experience a visual disturbance or warning, called an aura, shortly before chronic migraine symptoms occur. Migraines can seem to come out of nowhere, but many are triggered by an event, stress, food or beverage, hormones, weather, or other environmental conditions. Continue reading “5 Benefits to Using A Migraine Diary”
Migraine Research: Exploring Weather Related Triggers
The weather forecast does more than just dictate what you should wear each day; changes in weather patterns can also affect migraine sufferers. Recent research suggests that changes in barometric pressure impact at least one out of every two migraine sufferers – which means millions of Americans are affected each day. Continue reading “Migraine Research: Exploring Weather Related Triggers”
Avoiding Common Migraine Triggers
Most people who have experienced the excruciating pain of chronic migraine headaches will do just about anything to alleviate the head crushing, nausea inducing, and aura creating torture.