Migraine Treatment: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation


Severe migraine episodes are recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the most disabling illnesses, similar to the hindering effects of dementia, quadriplegia and active psychosis. With no known cause, chronic migraine patients often try a number of treatments before finding one or a combination of several that positively influences their migraine pain and frequency.

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Migraine Treatment: Oxygen Therapy


Chronic migraine syndrome is a conundrum yet to be solved and the uncertainty of its cause means that sufferers are left without a definitive treatment option. Because everyone’s experience is different, treatment often involves a lengthy game of trial and error before discovering a method that works. If medications or injections have failed or you are in search of an alternative form of treatment to compliment your current regimen, consider looking into oxygen therapy, which uses 100% oxygen to alleviate severe migraine symptoms.

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4 Fears Behind Migraine Medications

4 Fears Behind Migraine Medications
Katie, a 20-year-old college student, has suffered from migraines for several years. While Katie’s doctor recently prescribed her a new medication for migraine relief, Katie is worried about the possible side effects associated with migraine medications, including unknown long-term effects. Katie also worries about how she will afford her new medications.

Are you, like Katie, concerned about the potential for problems following long-term migraine medication usage? If so, you are not alone. One study published in the journal Headache found that two out of three individuals with recurring migraines delayed or avoided taking migraine medications due to concerns about treatment side effects.

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3 Relaxation Tools For Migraine Attack Fears

3 Relaxation Tools To Fight Migraine Attack Fears
Imagine a mother that is preparing to leave home for a vacation with her family. She and her husband have worked hard all year to pay for a fun trip full of memories for them and their children. Suddenly, she is gripped with anxiety and uncertainty – she fears that a migraine attack is approaching. With her history of debilitating migraine symptoms, she worries that her vacation will be ruined. She panics; and her trepidations force her to consider cancelling the vacation altogether.

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