How to Talk to Your Boss About Your Migraine: 6 Useful Tips

migraineMigraine sufferers are often reluctant to tell employers about their condition, sometimes with good reason. Those who have never experienced chronic migraines have a difficult time understanding the tremendous impact it can have on day-to-day life. Being upfront about migraine pain, treatments and triggers can make a world of difference in your workplace and doesn’t have to be a headache for your boss, either. 

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Living with Migraine Pain: 6 Things to Keep in Mind

Life with migrainesMigraines are difficult to manage. Attacks not only cause discomfort but also debilitating headaches, vertigo and auras. Trying to cope with severe migraines is a daunting task. Faced with pain, confusion, and discomfort with no immediate relief, a migraine sufferer may feel depressed and in despair. Staying focused and positive during these trying times can be an enormous challenge. Despite the difficulties, migraine sufferers can develop their own routines to avoid and ease attacks, and keep spirits afloat during one.

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